Monday, May 19, 2014


In my journey to become the best version of myself (ongoing) I have discovered many interesting things. Since the popularity of fitness and health consciousness is on the rise I figured now would be the perfect time to share a 5 of the best tips I've learned for losing weight/fat! Most people have heard that sugar, white flour, and sodas are detrimental to your health as well as fat loss but I'm welling to bet that you didn't know the following 5 "Healthy" options could be keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals!

#1 FRUIT JUICE - I'm willing to bet you've been told "juice is good for you" well my friends this is simply not true and while it may be 100% juice the sugar levels can be comparable to your favorite soft drink. As an alternative just grab a piece of actual fruit! The sugar levels are significantly lower and it should taste just as great as the bottled alternative.

#2 SPORT DRINKS - Gatorade, Powerade, etc. yes they have electrolytes but they also have sugar! Sports drinks are made for what the name says... Sports. If you are involved in high intensity training or you are an athlete by all means drink your G2 you will need they calories to replenish what you burned off but if your an average joe and just work out to look good Sports Drinks can and will make you fat.

#3 ORGANIC - Yes Organic... Now I'm not talking about organic fruits and veggies; People think the organic label gives you a pass to eat anything! Organic may be healthier than it's chemically altered cousins but a cookie or cake is still a cookie or cake... Refrain or at least limit your consumption of these type of products.

#4 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD - This is one if the big ones! Whole wheat bread is really not to far off from white bread and while it may spare you some of calories associated with the alternative and have a higher nutritional value it's still something to stay away from if your chasing that beach body.

#5 GRANOLA - lets he honest you knew it was too good to be true lol. I myself was/am a huge fan of granola but it is packed with sugar and unless you need that energy immediately it will be stored as fat.

I hope these tips help you on your own personal journey to better health. Try cutting or limiting these items from your diet for a week or 2 and let me know what changes you see! Contact me here or via Twitter or Instagram (@TTG_BLOG) and give me some ideas on topics you would like me to discuss. THE TATTOOED GENIUS Blog is not just a outlet for me but for you guys as well!!! I'm open to anything.



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